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2023-08-28 20:05 已有人浏览 安徽佰能电气有限公司
TAG标签:耐高温补偿导线 耐高温补偿电缆






报价电话 18098308844


Extension and compensating cable


The product is applicable for the electric connection between various thermocouples and temperature-indicating instruments with index of S, R, K,N,E,J,T to improve the thermometric precision. The general PVC insulated and sheathed extension and compensating cable has the good performances such as moisture resistance, corrosiveness resistance and flame retardance. Fluoroplastic insulated and sheathed extension and compensating cable can be used in some circumstances with special requirements of high temperature resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance, oil resistance, abrasion resistance, ageing resistance, water proof and flame resistance. Silicone rubber insulated and sheathed extension and compensating cable has good characteristics such as oil resistance, corrosiveness resistance, ageing resistance, water proof and flexibility, etc
The product is manufactured according to GB/T4989-94, which is equivalent to IEC584-3(1989)。

一、使用特性  Requirement of application
Operating temperature: General: 1350C——-200C, heat resistant: 2750C——-600C, fire resisting: 5500C——-600C.
2、最小弯曲半径: Minimum bending radius:
1)聚氯乙烯绝缘护套 PVC insulation and sheath
Parallel type: The minimum bending radius is not less than 6 times the thickness of the extension and compensating cable.
Twisted pair type: the minimum bending radius is not less than 6 times the outer diameter of the extension and compensating cable.
2)氟塑料绝缘和护套 Fluoroplastic insulation and sheath
Parallel type: the minimum bending radius is not less than 10 times the thickness of the extension and compensating cable.
Twisted pair type: the minimum bending radius is not less than 10 times the outer diameter of the extension and compensating cable.
3)硅橡胶绝缘和护套 Silicone rubber insulation and sheath
Parallel type: the minimum bending radius is not less than 4 times the thickness of the extension and compensating cable.
Twisted pair type: the minimum bending radius is not less than 4 times the outer diameter of the extension and compensating cable.
The minimum bending radius is not less than 6 times the outer diameter for non-armored extension and compensating cable and is not less than 12 times the outer diameter for armored extension and compensating cable.

二、型号及名称 Type and designation安徽佰能电气有限公司

型号 Type名 称  designation
KC-G-VVP聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套一般用普通级K分度号用补偿型补偿屏蔽线缆 PVC insulated and sheathed general application general grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
ZR135-KC-Gs-VVRP阻燃135℃聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套一般用精密级K分度号用补偿型软补偿屏蔽线缆 Flame retardant 135℃ PVC insulated and sheathed general application precision grade compensated type flexible compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KC-Hs-FF46P氟塑料绝缘和护套高温用精密级K分度号用补偿型补偿屏蔽线缆 Fluoroplastic insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KC-Hs-FVP氟塑料绝缘聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)护套耐热用精密级K分度号用补偿型补偿屏蔽导线 Fluoroplastic insulated and PVC (105℃、135℃) sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KC- Hs -FGP氟塑料绝缘硅橡胶护套高温用精密级K分度号用补偿型补偿屏蔽线缆 Fluoroplastic insulated silicone rubber sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KC- Hs -GGP硅橡胶绝缘和护套高温用精密级K分度号用补偿型补偿屏蔽导线 Silicone rubber insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
ZR135-KC-Hs-YFP2VP氟塑料绝缘对绞式铜带分屏阻燃135℃聚氯乙烯护套铜丝编织总屏耐热用精密级K分度号补偿型补偿电缆 Fluoroplastic insulated twisted pair copper tape shield individually copper wire braided shield collectively flame retardant 135℃ PVC sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index K
IA-KC-Hs-YFP2V22P氟塑料绝缘对绞式铜带分屏聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)护套铜丝编织总屏钢带铠装本安用耐热精密级K分度号用补偿型补偿电缆 Fluoroplastic insulated twisted pair copper tape shield individually copper wire braided shield collectively steel tape armored PVC(105℃、135℃) sheathed intrinsically safe application high temperature precision grade compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index K
KX-G-VVP聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套一般用普通级K分度号用延长型补偿线缆 PVC insulated and sheathed general application general grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
ZR135-KX-Gs-VVRP阻燃135℃聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套一般用精密级K分度号用延长型软补偿屏蔽线缆 Flame retardant 135℃ PVC insulated and sheathed general application precision grade extension type flexible compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KX-Hs-FF46P氟塑料绝缘和护套高温用精密级K分度号用延长型补偿屏蔽线缆 Fluoroplastic insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KX-Hs-FGP氟塑料绝缘硅橡胶护套高温用精密级K分度号用延长型补偿屏蔽型线缆 Fluoroplastic insulated silicone rubber sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KX-Hs-FVP氟塑料绝缘聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)护套耐热用精密级K分度号用延长型补偿屏蔽线缆 Fluoroplastic insulated and PVC (105℃、135℃) sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KX-Hs-GGP硅橡胶绝缘和护套高温用精密级K分度号用延长型补偿屏蔽线缆 Silicone rubber insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K
KX-Hs-FH4BFB550℃级耐火型高温精密级K分度号用延长型补偿导线 550℃ fire-proof high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating conductor adapting index K
KC-Hs-FH4BFB550℃级耐火型高温精密级K分度号用补偿型补偿导线 550℃ fire-proof high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating conductor adapting index K
IA-KX-Hs-YFP2V22P氟塑料绝缘对绞式铜带分屏聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)护套铜丝编织总屏钢带铠装本安用耐热精密级K分度号用延长型补偿电缆 Fluoroplastic insulated twisted pair copper tape shield individually copper wire braided shield collectively steel tape armored PVC(105℃、135℃) sheathed intrinsically safe application high temperature precision grade extension type compensating wire and cable adapting index K

注:其他分度号补偿电缆只需把上表的K分度号改为S、R、N、E、J、T即可。 Note: the type of the other compensating wire and cable only change index K into S, R, N, E, J, T. 三

产品代号及含义 Code and Definition安徽佰能电气有限公司

项目 Item代号 Code含义Definition
型号 typeSC配用S分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index S thermocouples
RC配用R分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index R thermocouples
KCA KCB配用K分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index K thermocouples
KX配用K分度号热电偶延长型补偿导线 Extension type compensating wire and cable adapting index K thermocouples
NC配用N分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index C thermocouples
NX配用N分度号热电偶延长型补偿导线 Extension type compensating wire and cable adapting index N thermocouples
EX配用E分度号热电偶延长型补偿导线 Extension type compensating wire and cable adapting index E thermocouples
JX配用J分度号热电偶延长型补偿导线 Extension type compensating wire and cable adapting index J thermocouples
TX配用T分度号热电偶延长型补偿导线 Extension type compensating wire and cable adapting index T thermocouples
系列代号 Serials code/普通补偿线缆 General compensating wire and cable
IA本安补偿线缆 Intrinsically safe compensating wire and cable
使用分类 categoryG一般用 General
H耐热用 High temperature
精度等级 Accuracy gradeS精密级 Precision
/普通级 General
结构形式/平行式 parallel type
Y对绞式 twisted pair type
耐热等级 High temperature grade70最高使用温度为70℃可省略 Max. application temperature 70℃, can be omitted
135最高使用温度为135℃ Max. application temperature 135℃
200最高使用温度为200℃ Max. application temperature 200℃
275最高使用温度为275℃ Max. application temperature 275℃
550最高使用温度为550℃ Max. application temperature 550℃

四、技术指标 Technical Data

1、型号、合金丝材料和绝缘颜色 Type, alloy material and insulation colors
补偿导线型号 Type of compensating conductor配用热电偶 Equipped thermocouples热电偶分度号 Thermo couple index补偿导线合金丝 Compensating conductor alloy wire绝缘层着色 Insulation layer color
正极 Positive负极 Negative正极Positive负极 Negatinve
SC铂铑10-铂热电偶 PtRh10-PlatinumSSPC(铜)CuSNC(铜镍)CuNi红Red绿Green
RC铑13-铂热电偶 PtRh13-PlatinumRRPC(铜)CuRCN(铜镍)CuNi红Red绿Green
KCA镍铬-镍硅热电偶 Nichrome-NiSiKKPCA(铁)FeKNCA(铜镍)CuNi红Red蓝Blue
NC镍铬硅-镍硅热电偶 NiCrSi-NiSiNNPC(铁)FeNNC(铜镍)CuNi红Red灰Grey
EX镍铬-铜镍热电偶 NiCr-CuNiEEPX(镍铬) NiCrENX(铜镍)CuNi红Red棕Brown
JX铁-铜镍热电偶 Fe-CuNiJJPX(铁)FeJNX(铜镍)CuNi红Red紫Purple
TX铜-铜镍热电偶 Cu-CuNiTTPX(铜)CuTNX(铜镍)CuNi红Red白White

2、使用分类和护层颜色 Application category and sheath color

使用分类 Application category精度等级Accuracy grade护套颜色 Sheath color
耐热用high temperatureH/S黑色Black黄色Yellow